Jan 18, 2025  
2015-2016 Graduate Catalog 
2015-2016 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Information

Accreditation and State Authorization

Covenant College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award associate, baccalaureate, and master’s degrees. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Covenant College.

NOTICE: Covenant College operates in compliance with the official complaint policy of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges as revised and approved June 1995. All written complaints from students concerning the status of the College with respect to its standing with the Commission on Colleges or allegations of significant non-compliance with the Criteria for Accreditation may be forwarded to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, at the above address.

Since Covenant College operates under the authority of the State of Georgia, complaints may be filed with the Office of the State Inspector General via http://oig.georgia.gov/webform/oig-complaint-form. The Office of the State Inspector General may also be reached at 2 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive S.W., 1102 West Tower, Atlanta, Georgia 30334; by email at inspector.general@oig.ga.gov; or by calling 404.656.7924, 866-HELP OIG (toll-free), or 866.435.7644 (toll-free).


All individuals admitted to the Graduate School of Education are assigned an academic advisor. Students are encouraged to contact their advisor with questions about their program of study.


Because the effectiveness of the program is directly related to active participation of students in all assignments, no auditing of courses is permitted in any graduate program. 

Authorization by the State of Georgia

Covenant College is authorized to operate educational programs beyond secondary education, including programs that lead to a degree or a certificate by executive order of the governor of the State of Georgia. The Office of Inspector General is designated as the state agency responsible for receiving complaints made by students enrolled in private post-secondary education.

Conduct, Discipline Procedures and Appeals

The following general regulations regarding student conduct apply to Graduate School of Education students.

  1. Smoking and possession and use of alcohol and drugs are not permitted on campus.
  2. Scripture specifically describes practices which are morally wrong, and are therefore unacceptable for all students while enrolled at Covenant College. Among these practices are drunkenness, adultery, and fornication (defined as cohabitation and/or premarital sexual relationships of a heterosexual or homosexual nature), stealing, slanderous talk, gossip, profanity, lying, cheating, and possession of obscene or pornographic materials.
  3. Plagiarism involves quoting, paraphrasing, or in other ways using sources without proper acknowledgment. See extended statement regarding plagiarism in this catalog.

Violation of any of the regulations regarding conduct will be considered as grounds for discipline which could result in immediate dismissal.

Students accused of infractions are given notice either in writing or in a disciplinary information meeting so that the alleged misconduct is clearly understood. The student’s case is heard and decided by the Dean of Education.

The student may choose to appeal the decision to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, who may modify the decision of the Dean. Such an appeal must be submitted within two working days after the Dean’s decision. If the student wishes, the case may be further appealed to the President of the college. This appeal must be submitted within two working days after the decision by the Vice President.

The Graduate Council hears appeals from students regarding academic matters.


It is the desire of Covenant College, within the limits of its available funds, to offer its Christian educational opportunities to all who qualify for admission, regardless of individual economic circumstances.

The cost of an education at Covenant is only partly covered by tuition charges; the balance is paid from contributions made by friends and alumni of the College. Because of increasing costs, the Covenant College Board of Trustees reserves the right to make changes at any time in the tuition charges and other general and special fees.

All account balances are due in full at the start of the term. If the account balance is not paid in full, a finance charge will be assessed at the end of each month on the unpaid balance. To avoid late payments, students should check their account balance on-line. Accounts must be fully paid each term before a student can register for a subsequent term, view grades, or receive a transcript. Account balances with no payment activity for more than three months may be sent to a collection agency and a collection agency commission of up to 55% added to the balance due.

Tuition and fees for MAT and MEd are listed under those sections of the catalog.

Credit Hour Definition

Consistent with industry best practices, Covenant has established a credit hour to be the amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates:

  1. Not less than one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours out of class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time..
  2. One credit hour will be awarded for no less than every two hours of other academic activities as established by the instruction including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the awarding of credit hours.

Faculty and Personnel


Jack E. Beckman, Professor of Education (2004), Ph.D. and M.Phil., University of Cambridge; M.Ed., Covenant College; B.S., Georgia State University.

William Davis, Professor of Philosophy (1997), Ph.D. and M.A., University of Notre Dame; M.A., Westminster Theological Seminary; B.A., Covenant College.

Sarah E. Donaldson, Assistant Professor of Education (2012), Ph.D. and M.Ed., University of Georgia; B.A., Covenant College.

James L. Drexler, Dean of the Graduate School of Education (2004), Ph.D., Saint Louis University; M.Ed., University of Missouri; M.Div., Covenant Theological Seminary; B.A., Covenant College.

Kevin J. Eames, Professor of Psychology and Director of Institutional Effectiveness (2003), Ph.D. and M.S., Georgia State University; B.A., Florida State University.

John W. Ferguson, Jr., Headmaster Grace Community School (2015), Ph.D. candidate, Dallas Baptist Univeristy; M.Ed., Covenant College; Juris Doctor, Texas Tech University; B.A., Baylor University.

Jay D. Green, Professor of History (1998), Ph.D., Kent State University; M.A., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; B.A., Taylor University.

Daphne W. Haddad, Professor of Education (1996), Ph.D., University of South Carolina; M.Ed., Converse College; M.A. and B.A., Birmingham University, Birmingham, England.

Jeffrey B. Hall, Vice President of Academic Affairs (1994), Ed.D., University of Tennessee; M.Ed., Slippery Rock University; B.A., Grove City College.

Phillip B. Horton, Professor of Education (1998), Ph.D., Florida State University; M.S.T., Middle Tennessee State University; B.A., Bryan College.

Stephen R. Kaufmann, Professor of Education (1982), Ph.D. and M.A., University of Iowa; B.A., Covenant College.

Barrett L. Mosbacker, Headmaster Briarwood Christian School (2006), Ed.D., University of North Carolina; M.Ed., Covenant College; B.A., Cedarville College.

Rebecca E. Pennington, Associate Professor of Education (2002) and Coordinator of the Integrated Curriculum and Instruction Specialization, Ed.D., University of Tennessee at Chattanooga; M.Ed. and B.A., Covenant College.

Bruce R. Young, Professor of Education (2004), Ed.D., University of San Francisco; M.Ed., Holy Names University; B.A., Covenant College.


Rebecca J. Dodson, Associate Dean of Education (1975), M.S., Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville; B.A., Covenant College.

Miranda C. Huggins, Administrative Assistant to the Graduate School of Education (2012), M.B.A., Brenau University; B.S., Berry College.

Financial Aid

To be considered for financial assistance an individual must be accepted and registered for one of the degree programs of the Graduate School of Education for a minimum of six semester hours. Eligibility for assistance is established through financial aid application submitted annually to the Financial Aid Office at Covenant College. With the exception of the Church Scholarship Promise and tuition reduction program, financial assistance is based on financial need. Covenant College uses the standard federal calculations to determine financial need.

Financial aid information is included with the registration packet. Financial aid grants may not be used to fund tuition deposits.

Returning students who have previously received federal student loans must register within 90 days from the last end term date to remain in deferment status.

Federal aid will be earned on a prorated basis up to 60% of the term of attendance.


Grades in the Graduate School of Education have the following meaning. Professors may modify standard letter grades with a plus or minus with the exception of A+.

A Represents work of distinctly superior quality and quantity accompanied by unusual evidence of initiative, thoroughness and originality.
B Represents work showing the above qualities to a lesser extent.
C Represents fulfillment of the minimum essentials of a course. Only one course with the grade of C will be applied to graduation requirements.
D Represents unacceptable work. The course must be repeated to be applied toward the degree.
F Represents failure. The standing of any student earning an F will be reviewed for continuation in the program. The course must be repeated to be applied toward the degree.
I Represents incomplete coursework. May be given to a student who has a valid reason for not completing some requirements of the course. Any Incomplete (I) granted for a course not completed by the date specified will be replaced with an F. All work for a course with an incomplete grade must be submitted to the instructor by the specified date or on the Monday morning following if the specified date falls on a weekend. Financial aid eligibility for the next term is determined based on the resulting grade point average.
W Represents official withdrawal from a course. The student receives no credit for that course or for work which may have been completed while registered for the course.

Specified Dates:

  • Incomplete received in MAT summer term must be completed by August 15
  • Incomplete received in MAT fall term must be completed by January 3
  • Incomplete received in MAT spring term must be completed by May 18
  • Incomplete received in MEd term must be completed by April 1

Students may not register for additional coursework with more than one incomplete course grade. An Incomplete Grade Request Form must be discussed and agreed to by student and instructor prior to the conclusion of the term in order for an incomplete course grade to be granted. Forms are available from the office of the Graduate School of Education.

Grade Point Average

Grade point averages are computed on a 4.0 scale; an A is assigned the value of 4.0, a B is assigned 3.0, a C is assigned 2.0, and a D is assigned 1.0. Only one course with the grade of C will be applied to graduation requirements. If a course is repeated, the most recent grade is used in computing the grade point average. No grade below B is accepted by transfer. A minimum grade point average of 3.0 is required for continuation in and completion of the graduate degree.

Grievance Policy

Academic Grievances

Students wishing to file grievances on academic issues should submit written appeals to the Dean of the Graduate School of Education following attempts to resolve the problem with the faculty member. Academic grievances concerning a faculty member should be directed initially to that faculty member, then to the Dean of Education.

General Grievances

All general grievances, not of an academic nature, should be written and directed to the Dean of Education. Procedure for reporting grievances:

  1. All student grievances must be submitted in writing to the proper college official.
  2. The college official will then review the complaint and decide whether the complaint merits official action.
  3. The appropriate official will then provide the student with a response to the complaint once a decision is made.
  4. The student may appeal the decision in writing; appeals must be submitted within forty-eight hours to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Graduate Council.

Library Services

The Anna Emma Kresge Memorial Library represents the critical center of the academic enterprise at Covenant College. The Library partners with teaching faculty to facilitate and promote learning through its physical facilities, dynamic collections, and services performed by professional and skilled support staff. It plays a significant role in fulfilling the mission of the College by providing information literacy instruction, appropriate resources in a variety of media formats, and personalized research assistance using a biblical frame of reference from within the Reformed tradition.

The Kresge Memorial Library seats about 250 on two floors. The first floor contains a variety of seating and furnishings that encourages engagement with library staff, faculty and other students. Reading tables, individual study carrels, soft seating, and a coffee lounge offer a warm, inviting environment. Most of the print book collection is housed on this main level. The second floor is a quiet study area housing carrels, semi-private group study rooms, a campus art gallery, the Writing Center, a seminar classroom, and a lounge/retreat room for receptions and other special events. The Library’s print collection related to the fine arts is stored on the second floor, along with its audio-visual materials, the College Archives, current and back issues of print periodicals, microforms, and the John Hamm Vocal Music Collection. Throughout the building are public access computers equipped with software for research and writing. The Library offers wireless access to the campus network as well as Wi-Fi connectivity.

By using a web-scale, cloud-based, integrated, single-search box online catalog, WorldCat Discovery Services, Library users may explore, identify, and access print and electronic resources held locally as well as those located in thousands of other libraries worldwide. Students may connect to the Library’s electronic resources from off-campus locations with appropriate campus network authentication. Especially noteworthy is the Library’s extensive ebook collection supporting all the graduate programs in teacher education.

Graduate students may use WorldCat Discovery Services on the Library’s home page (http://library.covenant.edu) to check the availability of locally held items, initiate the check-out process, and monitor their own Library accounts. The Library will ship circulating items from its print and media collections to graduate students and pay postage costs. Students are responsible for returning checked-out items (including return shipping costs) in a timely manner. Through its membership in OCLC, the world’s largest provider of bibliographic services, the Library networks with thousands of other institutions worldwide to provide interlibrary loan and document delivery services. Standard interlibrary loan transaction costs are subsidized by the Library.

The Library’s web site, http://library.covenant.edu provides more detailed information on collections, discipline-specific resource guides, policies, and other services.

 Plagiarism and Cheating

As is clear from the definition of plagiarism below, Covenant College includes under the more narrow term “plagiarism” most, if not all, academic misbehavior usually designated by the word “cheating” – that is, the giving or receiving of illegitimate assistance, especially under circumstances when not collaboration but one’s own individual work is expected and when a student presents material as his or her own individual work. Students may need to be reminded of the college’s policy on plagiarism which appears in the Student Handbook.

            Plagiarism is inconsistent with good scholarship.  Covenant College considers plagiarism a moral matter as well as a legal matter. It does this on the assumption that the function of a Christian college is not only to impart knowledge but also to nurture moral character of the student writer. Cheating hides individuals from the encounter with who they really are, what they really can do, or what they can be. 

(1)        Plagiarism is a deception–of the instructor, obviously, but no less of the student writer.  Cheating hides individuals from the encounter with who they really are, what they really can do, or what they can be.

(2)        Plagiarism is a theft of the materials themselves, but no less of the right of the cheater’s fellow students to equal consideration, for in effect the plagiarized paper throws all other papers in competition with work that likely has already been judged superior.

(3)        Plagiarism breeds a moral atmosphere which denies all students the dignity and freedom due them as human beings.  Inevitably, one cheater throws the taint of suspicion upon all, the entire climate is poisoned, and mutual respect is endangered.

(4)        Plagiarism perverts the values of humane education when the instructor is forced to give extraordinary attention to the integrity of the grade and can no longer assume the integrity of the student.

 (5)       Plagiarism is a sin, a violation of the Eighth Commandment. It is inimical to the values and ideals of a Christian educational institution.

According to the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (7th ed.; 2009; print; p. 52), plagiarism is:

Derived from the Latin word plagiarius (“kidnapper”), to plagiarize means “to commit literary theft” and to “present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source” (Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary [11th ed.; 2003; print]).  Plagiarism involves two kinds of wrongs.  Using another person’s ideas, information, or expressions without acknowledging that person’s work constitutes intellectual theft.  Passing off another person’s ideas, information, or expressions as your own to get a better grade or gain some other advantage constitutes fraud.

In its discussion of the nature of plagiarism, the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (7th ed.; 2009; print; p. 56) also notes three “less conspicuous forms of plagiarism,” including “the failure to give appropriate acknowledgment when repeating or paraphrasing another’s wording, when taking a particularly apt phrase, and when paraphrasing another’s argument or presenting another’s line of thinking.”

Examples of plagiarism include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Part or all of a written or spoken assignment copied from another person’s manuscript without proper documentation
  • Part or all of an assignment copied or paraphrased from a source (books, journals, newspapers, magazines, digital resources, web sites, charts, graphs, music scores, sound recordings, video recordings) without proper documentation
  • Presenting as original (or paraphrased) the sequence of ideas, arrangement of material, or pattern of thought contained in another person’s work
  • Allowing a paper, in outline or finished form, to be copied and submitted as the work of another person
  • Preparing an assignment for another student and allowing him/her to submit it as his/her own work
  • Keeping a written or digital archive of documents with the intent that they be copied and submitted as the work of another person
  • Handing in one’s own work to satisfy more than one assignment without the permission of all instructors.

A paraphrase is the rewording of another’s ideas or the summary of another’s work, and even if the wording is distinctly different from the original source, the original source should be cited.  If a person copies a distinctive phrase or description using the same words and word-order of the original source, these should be enclosed in quotation marks, with an appropriate reference.

To avoid plagiarism, the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (7th ed.; 2009; print; p. 61) suggests:

  • making a list of the writers and viewpoints you discovered in your research and using this list to double-check the presentation of material in your paper
  • keeping the following three categories distinct in your notes: your ideas, your summaries of others’ materials, and exact wording you copy
  • identifying the sources of all material you borrow-exact wording, paraphrases, ideas, arguments, and facts
  • checking with your instructor when you are uncertain about your use of sources

For more information on plagiarism, see http://abacus.bates.edu/cbb.

Procedures and Penalties for Violations of Academic Integrity

Covenant College assumes the honor and integrity of its students.  If someone should abuse this confidence, the college is prepared to act as follows:

  1. An instructor who finds evidence of plagiarism or any violation of academic integrity will first discuss with the student the nature of the case, including its moral implications and its academic ramifications. Plagiarism normally results in a mark of zero for the plagiarized work. Instructors also have the prerogative to fail the student in the course or to recommend to the Dean of the Graduate School of Education that a student be dismissed from the graduate program.
  2. After discussing the evidence with a student, an instructor should notify a student of any sanction for the plagiarism or cheating. Initial notification may be verbal, but should also be accompanied by written and electronic confirmation. A copy of this penalty policy, along with specific information needed for an appeal, should accompany the written and electronic notifications to the student.
  3. Regardless of any other actions, once an instructor determines a student has committed the intentional plagiarism or cheating, the instructor must document and notify the Office of Academic Affairs of the incident. The Office of Academic Affairs will keep record of all incidents and will report multiple violations by the same student to the Academic Standards Committee for review and possible further action.
  4. After being sent notification of a sanction, a student may appeal within two business days to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Vice President will normally either uphold or deny the appeal; in rare instances, and after consultation with the instructor and student involved, the Vice President may suggest an alternate sanction for the instructor to impose.

Privacy Rights of Students

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their educational records.

These rights include:

  • The right to inspect and review the student’s educational records within 45 days of the day Covenant receives a request for access. A student should submit to the Office of Records or other appropriate official, a written request that identifies the records the student wishes to inspect. The College official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.
  • The rights to request the amendment of the student’s educational records that the student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. A student who wishes to request Covenant to amend a record should write the appropriate official clearly identifying the part of the record the student wants changed, and specify why it should be changed. If Covenant decides not to amend the record as requested, Covenant will notify the student in writing of the decision and the student’s right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.

Covenant discloses education records without a student’s prior written consent under the FERPA exception for disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A Covenant official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an educational record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities. A Covenant official is a person employed by the College in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom Covenant has contracted as its agent to provide a service instead of using Covenant employees or officials (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks.

Covenant designates the following categories of student information as public or “directory information.” Such information may be disclosed by the institution for any purpose at its discretion:

Biographical: Name, address, telephone number, email address, photograph and video.
Enrollment: Dates of attendance, enrollment status, class, previous institution(s) attended, major field of study, awards, honors, degrees conferred (including dates).
Athletic: Past and present participation in officially recognized sports and activities, physical factors (height, weight of athletes), date and place of birth.

Currently enrolled students may withhold disclosure of directory information under FERPA by submitting a written request to withhold disclosure. Contact the Office of Records.

  • The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-5901

Please direct any questions regarding privacy rights to the Office of Records at Records@covenant.edu or call 706.419.1134.

Technology Services

Technology available to Covenant graduate students consists of computer laboratories, e-mail, Internet access, software, printers, and wireless capability. The standard computer software used at Covenant College is Microsoft Office. Graduate students are expected to be literate in the use of Word, PowerPoint, Excel, e-mail, and the Internet.

Wireless Internet access is available throughout the college campus. It is based on the 802.11 g/n standard with WPA2 encryption. Any wireless card that supports that standard will work in the residence halls, library, and classroom buildings. To access the wireless network, personal computers will need to be equipped with the appropriate wireless card. Additional details are included in the registration packet.

E-mail is a primary means of communication while a student at Covenant College. Personal e-mail accounts are required of all graduate students to communicate with faculty, personnel, and fellow students. A student’s primary e-mail address is required upon admission and is on file with the graduate office. Upon acceptance into the Graduate School of Education, students are assigned a Covenant username, password and Banner ID, and a Covenant e-mail account. The Covenant e-mail account, rather than a primary personal account, is used for communication while enrolled at Covenant. The Covenant student Banner account is the vehicle used for posting e-bills, financial aid, and records information.

The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)

The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is required for international applicants whose native language is not English. A minimum score of 550 (paper-based exam), 215 (computer-based exam), or 80 (Internet-based exam) is required. Official score report should be submitted to Covenant College (Code 6124). Information about the TOEFL may be obtained from the Educational Testing Service, Box 899, Princeton, New Jersey 08540, USA or www.ets.org/toefl.

Transfer Credits

Graduate work completed at other regionally-accredited institutions may be accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the MAT or MEd degrees at Covenant College subject to the following conditions:

  • Transfer credit will not be allowed for any course in which the grade received was lower than a B.
  • No more than six hours of transfer graduate-level credit may be applied toward the MAT or MEd degree.
  • Any course transferred and applied toward the degree must have been taken within six years of the graduation date for the graduate degree.
  • Transfer coursework will be evaluated in terms of level, context, quality, comparability, and degree relevance by the appropriate professor and the Dean of Education. Approval of any transfer credit must be granted prior to registration for the term. Transfer credit forms are included in the application packet and may be submitted as part of the application process.

Withdrawal Refund Policy

When a student formally withdraws from the college, leaves the college without notice, or does not return from an approved leave of absence, adjustments may result from the refund of expenses and the reduction of financial aid. The date of withdrawal is determined by written application or violation of the attendance policy. See Withdrawal or Suspension.

The federal Title IV pro rata percentage will determine the refund or reduction based on the amount of time spent in academic attendance and has no relationship to the student’s incurred institutional charges. This pro rata percentage is used to determine the percentage adjustment at the time of withdrawal up through the completion of the 60 percent point in a term. After the 60 percent point, a student has earned 100 percent of the expenses and financial aid for the term. After the last day of late registration, no tuition will be refunded as a result of a load adjustment from dropping a course.

The effective withdrawal date of a student who withdraws from the College through the Office of Records will be the date on which the student begins the withdrawal process, either orally or in writing, or the last date of attendance at an academically-related activity (e.g. attendance in class, clinical practice, exams). In cases where a student is unable to visit the office, the effective date will be the date the student makes known their intent to withdraw with the Dean of Records: Rodney Miller, 706.419.1134 or miller@covenant.edu.

When a student leaves the College without notice, or receives all F’s or Incomplete grades for a semester, faculty will be contacted to determine the last date of academically-related activity and establish if the student unofficially withdrew. The college will look for evidence of course engagement or lack of course engagement (no response to course due dates) to help determine the effective date for both Title IV and institutional refund purposes. If an effective date cannot be accurately determined, the midpoint of the term will be used as the effective date. A different effective date may be used for refund purposes of institutional expenses compared to Title IV funds when there are differences between the dates the withdrawal was initiated compared to when the student completed the process.

Example: if a term is 100 days long and the student withdraws on the 20th day, 20 percent of the term has been completed resulting in an 80 percent reduction of the tuition and financial aid. If the student was billed for tuition of $10,000 and received financial aid of $6,000, the tuition would be reduced by $8,000 and financial aid reduced by $4,000. This will leave an $800 tuition charge that is still the responsibility of the student. Other charges will apply as stated in this section on refunds.

Withdrawal or Suspension–Involuntary

Conditions for which a student may be dismissed are outlined under Conduct, Discipline Procedures and Appeals in this catalog.

A student who is dismissed for disciplinary reasons will still receive a pro rata percentage reduction of financial aid consistent with federal regulation noted above. Tuition charges will be refunded at a rate of one half of the financial aid pro rata percentage.

Example: Following the example under Withdrawal Refund Policy above, a student who is involuntarily withdrawn on the 10th day would receive an 80 percent pro rata reduction in financial aid, and a 40 percent refund of tuition (one half the financial aid percentage). Tuition charges would be refunded $4,000 and financial aid would still be reduced by $4,800. This will leave a $4,800 tuition charge that is still the responsibility of the student. Other charges will apply as stated in Withdrawal Refund Policy.

  • $10,000 Tuition Charges less $4,000 refund ($10,000 x .40) = $6,000 Adjusted Tuition Charge
  • $6,000 Financial Aid less $4,800 reduction ($6,000 x .80) = $1,200 Adjusted Available Aid
  • $4,800 Remaining Tuition Charge