Mar 13, 2025
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
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The core and distribution requirements for a major in philosophy are those listed for baccalaureate degrees , with the exception that a course in history or literature is required to fulfill the humanities distribution requirement. It is recommended that a philosophy major take PHI 102 Introduction to Logic/Critical Thinking as one of their earliest philosophy elective courses.
Major and Supporting Course Requirements
History of Philosophy (three of the following)
Total History of Philosophy hours: 9
Total hours for the major: 38
*Philosophical electives:
Requirements for Double Majors
Students double-majoring in Philosophy or Philosophy & Religion and another discipline MAY: - Count up to six (6) hours of philosophical electives in the other major discipline also as Philosophy electives in addition to the six hours of philosophical electives already required for the Philosophy or Philosophy & Religion major. (Philosophical electives with prefixes other than “PHI” are “philosophically rich” courses in that they devote significant attention to the metaphysical, epistemological and/or ethical foundations of another discipline. For the list of approved philosophical electives, please see above.)
- Satisfy the Philosophy Capstone Project requirement by completing the Capstone requirements of the other major AND including a member of the Philosophy Department faculty in the process of formulating the thesis, bibliography and outline of the Capstone for the other major.
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