Total degree hours: 126
Confirm you have met prerequisites for requirements and electives above. The prerequisite for EDU 222 and PSY 303 will be waived for CDV majors.
Research Internships Process
All community development students are required to complete a research internship which normally takes place after the student’s junior year, during the summer and/or the first semester of the senior year. Department faculty work with students and partner organizations in the field to design, support, and evaluate these research internships. Internships may be taken for 3-6 credits for a 12-week internship and 3-12 credits for a 24-week internship, but only three credits may be used towards meeting the requirements for the major, any additional credits serving as electives towards graduation. The internship must occur in an intercultural setting for it to meet the COR 337 Intercultural Experience requirement and the student should register for COR 337 the same semester they register for CDV 480 or CDV 481 .
The internship placement process includes a series of personality, psychological, and physical assessments conducted by staff of the Priesthill Center. These assessments enable the department to identify the best possible placement for each student. Students are charged a non-refundable intern placement fee of $250 at the beginning of the assessment process to cover the assessments. Additional costs may be incurred if students miss scheduled appointments.
CDV interns must be in good academic standing. If a student exhibits behavioral, emotional, spiritual, social, or physical struggles inconsistent with an intensive cross-cultural internship, the department can determine the student is no longer suitable for the internship. Students should be aware that some internship hosts require a minimum institutional GPA of 2.75.