Academic Program
Covenant students are expected to be familiar with the content and the requirements of the academic program in which they are enrolled.
The academic program is foundational to the entire educational enterprise and has been a trademark of Covenant. It is the College’s goal that students characterize and respond to reality from a biblical perspective. In order to make such a biblically based groundwork explicit and operative, the faculty has developed an unusual approach to the curriculum consisting of four basic parts:
- Biblical Knowledge
- Interdisciplinary Perspectives
- Equipment for Inquiry
- Major Specialization
The presumption is that a carefully designed curriculum can significantly augment the effect of an individual teacher in a particular course.
Biblical Knowledge
If students are to have a biblical world and life view, they must have a working knowledge of the Bible-how to read it, interpret it, and apply it-with full consideration of the knowledge that has been gained over the centuries. Six credit hours are devoted to the study of the Bible and six hours to the study of doctrine.
Interdisciplinary Perspectives
A genuinely biblical world and life view is not simply learned one way and is not limited in perspective, but takes into account the similarities and differences of various peoples and cultures. The curriculum, therefore, includes a series of interdisciplinary courses designed to provide common learning experiences for all students, an emphasis on the unity of knowledge, a global rather than provincial perspective, a focus not only on the past and the present, but on the future, and an experiential learning component.
Equipment for Inquiry
Students should be progressively gaining greater ability to orient their lives by perspectives based on scriptural revelation and to apply their biblical and other perspective to all areas of inquiry. To do this, they must acquire and refine skills as learners. Two sets of courses are designed to achieve this end: courses in the basics of English writing and speech, foreign language, mathematics and physical training; and courses in the basics of the natural creation.
Major Specialization
Covenant seeks to provide a liberal arts education that includes not only the broad and inclusive core curriculum but areas of greater specialization as well. Every student pursuing a baccalaureate degree must meet the requirements of a major-minor program or of a single major. In each course and major field of study, faculty members must keep in mind the overall goal of developing a biblical world and life view. As the student’s attention is directed toward a particular discipline, broad principles must become more specific. Integrated thinking means that two or more bodies of knowledge are brought together. Evidence that the student and the College have attained these goals occurs when the senior prepares a major thesis or project which, as stated above, explores and analyzes a problem in the student’s major field in light of Christian philosophy. Such a curriculum is not very common and makes a significant impact on the student.
Participation in Commencement Exercises
Students who have completed all of the requirements for graduation will be eligible to participate in Commencement exercises. Seniors planning to graduate at the end of the spring semester must complete all transfer or examination credits by April 1. In addition, any candidate who has made a good-faith attempt to complete graduation requirements but is lacking one required course and is either enrolled in that course or provides evidence of a plan to complete this last requirement may request permission to participate in Commencement though not actually graduating. For the traditional undergraduate programs, the uncompleted course may not be the Senior Integration Paper (SIP). A Commencement Participation Petition must be submitted to the Office of Records, to be considered by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Graduate School of Education
Master of Arts in Teaching Degree
Students interested in teaching in the following fields should complete a BA degree with a major in that field at the undergraduate level, followed by completion of a fifth year in the Master of Arts in Teaching. Grade levels of certification are noted in parenthesis for each field.
- Art (P-12)
- Biblical Studies (6-12; ACSI only)
- Biology (6-12)
- Chemistry (6-12)
- Drama (P-12)
- Economics (6-12)
- English (6-12)
- French (P-12)
- German (P-12)
- History (6-12)
- Mathematics (6-12)
- Music (P-12)
- Physics (6-12)
- Political Science (6-12)
- Spanish (P-12)
A middle grades level (4-8) certification is available with any two specializations in: language arts, mathematics, science, and/or social studies.
See catalog section for each major for further information related to the MAT.
For additional information, contact:
Master of Education Degree
The Master of Education degree is offered for school teachers, curriculum directors, and administrators in a K-12 setting with a minimum of one year of school experience and who have ongoing teaching or administrative responsibilities. It is a 30 credit hour degree completed over three years.
Two specializations are offered: Educational Leadership and Integrated Curriculum and Instruction. Certification by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) is available upon completion of the degree.
Courses are spread over most of the calendar year and include three phases: pre-campus, on-campus, and post-campus. The on-campus phase is held at Covenant for three weeks each summer.
For additional information about the program, contact:
Graduation Requirements for Baccalaureate Degrees (Traditional Undergraduate Programs)
Students are personally responsible to plan their programs to meet graduation requirements. When a student declares a major or minor program, the default catalog term will be the term the student entered Covenant. If there have been significant changes in the core or program requirements since entering Covenant, the term the student declares the major will be used if the degree is conferred within ten years. After ten years, the then-current catalog degree requirements will need to be fulfilled. See the section for each major for specific graduation major requirements.
The Bachelor of Arts Degree
Upon recommendation of the faculty and approval by the Board of Trustees, the degree of Bachelor of Arts is conferred upon students who have met the following requirements for graduation:
- A minimum of 126 credit hours
- An institutional grade point average of 2.00 or better
- The fulfillment of all BA core curriculum requirements
- At least 25 hours in upper-division courses
- Compliance with all requirements in the major field, or major and minor fields
- No grades below “C-” in the major or the minor
- A residence of one year and the completion of the last 32 hours at Covenant, with the exception that students in residence for three semesters or more may complete nine of the last 32 hours at other approved colleges
- The payment of all bills, the return of all equipment and library books, and the completion of all chapel and Mark 10:45 requirements.
- For some majors, completion of the Major Field Achievement Tests and other assessments of institutional effectiveness
Core Curriculum for Bachelor of Arts Degrees
Biblical and Theological Foundations
Mathematics (3 hours)
MAT 122 or above, AP Calculus or CLEP credit for College Algebra or above, or exemption is permitted for students assigned a math placement level of 3, 4, or 5. Exploratory Stewardship of Opportunities
See the Core and Distribution Requirments section for descriptions of requirements and lists of courses. Courses from a major department cannot fulfill both a major requirement and a distribution requirement. - Fine Arts Distribution Requirement 3 hour(s).
- Humanities Distribution Requirement 3 hour(s).
- Natural Science Lab Distribution Requirement 4 hour(s).
- Social Science Distribution Requirement 3 hour(s).
Total BA Core Curriculum Requirements: 58 hours
Core and Distribution Requirements For Baccalaureate Degrees (Traditional Undergraduate Programs)
Core Requirements
The core curriculum is based on the faculty’s belief that a liberal arts education should be broad and inclusive, introducing students to ideas and values of continuing concern and providing them with historical and spiritual perspectives on the complex problems of our society. The core curriculum is also designed to provide Covenant students with common learning experiences, to emphasize the God-ordained unity of knowledge, to provide a global rather than a provincial emphasis in learning, to focus students’ attention not only on the past and the present but also on the future, and to develop students’ capacities to learn not only through ratiocination but experientially. Crucial to the success of the core curriculum is the pervasiveness of a biblical perspective in every course. All students who are candidates for a baccalaureate degree are required to take courses or demonstrate competency in each area of the core curriculum. Exceptions to these requirements are listed in the sections of the catalog describing particular majors. Normally, one semester of the two course sequence of Christian Doctrine I, II and Cultural Heritage of the West I, II are required to be completed at Covenant. If a core requirement is fulfilled by demonstrating proficiency, no credit hours are awarded. These hours will be replaced with elective hours applied toward the minimum of 126 hours needed to graduate. Some programs will require more than 126 hours. All students who are candidates for a baccalaureate degree are required to complete an Intercultural Experience. All Intercultural Experiences must be pre-approved by a faculty member of the Intercultural Competencies Committee. One component of this broad liberal arts core curriculum is the skill of public speaking. Beginning in Fall 2006, most departments will offer a ‘Speech Intensive’ or “S” course that will satisfy this component. Many departments have designated their Senior Integration Paper (SIP) course as the “S” course, which means this will come at the end of a student’s studies at Covenant. Some departments have not designated an “S” course and students pursuing those majors will be required to complete ENG 252 Speech . Below is a summary definition of what qualifies a course as an “S” course. “S” course definition: A course in which students are required to make a prepared and organized oral presentation (minimum 12 minutes) to a class of peers and faculty. Instruction about form, content, and assessment will precede the oral presentation, and rubric-based evaluation of content, form, and delivery will follow it. In addition to whole-class instruction, there will be some level of mentoring interaction between professors and individual students. With each list of major requirements, majors have designated the “S” course for the major or listed separately an alternate course which will satisfy this component. If the student completed the major’s “S” course prior to Fall 2006, it will not satisfy the “S” requirement, and the student will need to complete ENG 252 Speech to satisfy this requirement. However, if the student takes that major’s “S” course in a future term, the student will not be required to take ENG 252 Speech . Another core component is writing skills that are grounded in our “W” courses, also taught within our majors as defined below. “W” course definition: A course in which the conventions of formal writing in the discipline are taught, including adherence to a style manual or other disciplinary parameters. A major writing assignment will incorporate pre-writing instruction about form, content, and assessment, and subsequent rubric-based assessment will address both content and form. In addition to whole-class instruction, there will be some level of mentoring interaction between professors and individual students. The SIP may not count as a “W” course. Distribution Requirements
Distribution requirements allow a student to select courses of interest to gain exposure to a variety of disciplines contributing to the broad liberal arts content, rather than an in-depth focused studies within one area within a discipline. Below are the four distribution requirements with the courses that can satisfy these components. A distribution course code (i.e. FAR, HUM, LAB, SSC) also appears with the course description. Fine Arts (FAR) Distribution Courses
Explore varied elements of human artistic inquiry and/or expression. Students who successfully complete this requirement will have demonstrated the ability to: * Engage various elements of human creative process as found in the visual, musical or theatrical arts. * Appreciate the products of human creativity in the visual, musical or theatrical arts. * Think biblically about the process and products of human creativity in the visual, musical or theatrical arts. Fine Arts Distribution Requirement Approved Courses:
Humanities (HUM) Distribution Courses
Explore varied elements of human culture, thought, and/or literary expression. Students who successfully complete this requirement will have demonstrated the ability to: * Engage various elements of human thought, literary expression and cultural development. * Recognize the interplay between human thought, literary expression and cultural development. * Think biblically about the process and products of human thought, literary expression and cultural development. Humanities Distribution Requirement Approved Courses:
Natural Science Lab (LAB) Distribution Courses
Explore elements of scientific investigation and content, including hands-on laboratory experiences, in one or more of the natural sciences. Students who successfully complete this requirement will have demonstrated the ability to: * Engage various elements of scientific exploration in physical or biological sciences. * Appreciate the products of scientific study in physical or biological sciences. * Think biblically about the process and products of scientific endeavor in physical or biological sciences. Natural Science Lab Distribution Requirement Approved Courses:
Social Science (SSC) Distribution Courses
Explore human behavior at the individual, group, and structural levels, as well as the interplay of these factors. Courses will make use of social and/or behavioral science methods, both quantitative and qualitative. Students who successfully complete this requirement will have demonstrated the ability to: * Engage various elements of the exploration of human social interactions, institutions and behaviors. * Appreciate the products of the study of human social interactions, institutions and behaviors. * Think biblically about the process and products of the study of human social interactions, institutions and behaviors. Social Science Distribution Requirement Approved Courses:
Courses Satisfying Two Requirements:
To encourage breadth in the overall academic programs, a course in a student’s major department will normally not be allowed to satisfy a core distribution requirement. However, courses that are not “prefixed” in the major department, but are nonetheless required “supporting courses” for the major program may be used to satisfy core distribution requirements while also satisfying major program requirements. Also, it is permissible to use a course to satisfy a core distribution requirement and meet the requirements of a minor or a second major when the core of the first major is already satisfied. An Interdisciplinary Studies major prohibits any major requirement from being used toward a core requirement. Examples: In the art major, a course with an ART-prefix could not be used to satisfy the fine arts distribution requirement. In the biology major, supporting course requirements include chemistry (CHE) lab courses. These CHE lab courses would count toward fulfilling the natural science lab distribution requirement for a student majoring in biology, whereas BIO lab courses would not.
Major and Minor Programs
Covenant seeks to provide a liberal arts education that includes not only the broad and inclusive core curriculum but areas of greater specialization as well. Every student pursuing a baccalaureate degree must meet the requirements of a major-minor program or of a single major.
When a student declares a major or minor program, the default catalog term will be the term the student entered Covenant. If there have been significant changes in the core or program requirements since entering Covenant, the term the student declares the major will be used. Academic departments retain the right to make professional judgments regarding program requirements. To add or drop a major or minor, obtain a Change of Academic Program/Advisor Form from the Office of Records or their webpage.
Students must take at least 12 hours of their major and at least six hours of their minor or concentration at Covenant. As an option, a student may concentrate entirely in a single major without any minor. Variations in the requirements for the different major programs, in addition to the possibility of bypassing certain parts of the core, make the number of electives within each program vary. Consult the program requirement list.
Senior Integration Paper
Every graduate of Covenant traditional programs will have completed a bachelor’s thesis, referred to as the Senior Integration Paper (SIP). Each department provides careful preparation to aid students in researching a topic and providing a consideration of that topic in light of our faith. The SIP provides a model of integrative activity that can inform faithful practice as graduates move from Covenant to their next area of vocation. A Covenant student’s Senior Integration Paper is a demonstration of his or her level of achievement in the major field. This should be a substantial paper assessed in each of the following areas:
- Mastery of content (This component should demonstrate the breadth and/or depth of knowledge in the content and/or research methodology of the discipline. The requirement in this area may in some cases also include a recital, a play, a body of poetry, etc.)
- Christian integration (This component should demonstrate understanding of explicit and implicit connections between biblical perspectives and the discipline.)
- Written communication
- Oral communication relative to the construction or defense of the paper
Planning for Completion of Major Work
Majors in natural sciences, education and music programs call for careful planning as early as the freshman year in order to assure fulfillment of all requirements and prerequisites. Be sure to see the specific requirements under the appropriate departments. Students planning to have a double major must begin careful planning of their courses in the freshman year in order to avoid later schedule conflicts.
Institutional Assessment
In order to maintain high academic standards and assess how well Covenant College is achieving its mission, the College regularly conducts institutional assessments with students. This not only assists us in determining strengths and deficits in the academic program, but also satisfies accreditation requirements. Early in the fall semester, entering freshmen participate in a series of assessments, including a general measure of academic performance like the Proficiency Profile published by ETS, and an attitude measure of religiosity. Juniors re-take the general measure of academic performance in their spring semester during a regularly scheduled Assessment Day. Some seniors will participate in taking the Major Field tests published by ETS. Seniors re-take the attitude measure of religiosity. Other assessments may be assigned to some or all students at all class levels. Most of these assignments will take place on Assessment Day in the spring semester. Participation in assigned assessments is mandatory. Failure to keep assigned assessment appointments will result in holds on transcripts, freezes on accounts, and even delay in graduation. Assessment assignments are coordinated through the Office of Records and the Institutional Research office.
Summer Course Offerings
A limited number of courses are offered during the summer months. A three-week May Term session immediately following Commencement offers students the opportunity of earning three hours of credit in a number of standard classroom courses. Students may also earn credit by working as interns with a variety of organizations locally or in your hometown.
These offerings, in which tuition costs are less than during the academic year, provide the opportunity for students to make up deficiencies, earn extra credit or take required hours in order to lighten their loads during the regular semesters. Students from other colleges are also welcome to these special summer courses.
Independent Study
Required core or major courses, either not offered in a given semester or involving a subject not typically offered at Covenant, may be arranged on an independent basis. Covenant College does not offer distance or correspondence courses. Such situations may arise when a student receives a low grade in a major or required course, a student changed majors or transfers to Covenant late in his or her college career.
- Such an arrangement must be authorized by the Coordinator of Instruction and the Registrar, and this authorization will ordinarily be granted only when a student needs a course that will not be offered before his or her expected date of graduation. An Independent Study Agreement may be requested from the Office of Records if a course is being considered.
- For an independent study in the major on a subject not otherwise offered at Covenant, the student must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or above. The student must submit to the supervising faculty member an outline and bibliography for the program he or she wishes to study.
- The tuition rate for the respective term will be assessed unless otherwise approved by the Coordinator of Instuction and the Registrar.
- For Independent Study Courses, at least 3 face-to-face meetings must occur between student and instructor for instruction and administration of exams.
Summer independent study courses will run from the first Monday after spring commencement through August 5 or the first Monday after August 5 if that date is on a weekend. All work for the course must be submitted by the last date of the term, to the instructor, or the Office of Records if the instructor is not available. Final grades for a summer term independent study are to be posted one week before the first day of fall semester classes.
Off-Campus Studies
Since Covenant’s aim is to motivate and enable its young men and women to make an impact on the world for Christ, it takes the entire world for its classroom. Covenant’s faculty does not recognize geographical restrictions on learning but provides several off-campus opportunities designed to reinforce that which takes place in the classroom through the test of experience.
Experiential learning is an integral ingredient of Covenant’s comprehensive, Christ-centered, liberal arts curriculum. Experiential learning is defined as “learning by doing, learning outside the traditional classroom environment involving activity that is meaningful and real, as well as contributes to the academic, spiritual, and personal growth of each student, and for which academic credit is awarded.”
Students are required to be in good academic and social standing and be enrolled for one year at Covenant before being permitted to participate in an off-campus studies program. Please see the Off-Campus Studies section of the Financial Aid Handbook regarding eligibility and use of financial aid resources for off-campus studies. Normally, institutional resources will only be applied toward the off-campus programs that are offered by Covenant, the Council of Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU), and institutions with which Covenant has a contractual agreement.
A maximum of 18 semester hours of credit from off-campus study courses may be applied to a degree from Covenant. Credits and grades earned from all external programs will be considered transfer credits requiring a “C-” or better letter grade to be applied toward a Covenant degree. All grades will appear on our transcript and will be included in the calculation of the transfer GPA. The institutional and transfer GPA will be combined to determine an overall GPA.
Students may earn college credit through a variety of programs administered by the Office of Global Education. Some of these programs can be used to fulfill the requirements of the Intercultural Experience (COR 337 ) with the pre-approval of a faculty member of the Intercultural Competencies Committee.
Approved Off-Campus Studies Programs
Students may study off-campus while remaining enrolled as full time students at Covenant by participating in approved consortial and contractual agreement programs. Billing is coordinated through Covenant, and students remain eligible for financial aid at the following levels: 100% of normal external aid (federal, state and/or outside sources) and 50% of normal institutional aid. If a study abroad program is required for a student’s major (Spanish, French, German Studies, and International Studies), students who have attained junior status will be eligible for 100% of both normal external aid and normal institutional aid. Normal institutional aid is any aid awarded by Covenant, including endowed and restricted funds. No student employment is offered while students are studying abroad. In addition to these fees owed to Covenant, students may be responsible for additional application fees payable to the host institution, travel expenses not included in the program, personal expenses, and additional food expenses.
Approved Off-Campus Studies Programs through Consortial Agreements
For consortial programs, all coursework will be entered on Covenant’s transcript just as one of our institutional courses with credit being awarded for all passed courses (greater than “F”). Current approved programs include student programs offered by the Council of Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU).
Student Programs of The Council for Christian Colleges and Universities:
The CCCU Student Programs provide excellent opportunities for studying abroad in various locations throughout the world. Domestic “Culture-Shaping Programs” include the American Studies Program, Contemporary Music Center, and the Los Angeles Film Studies Center. International “Culture-Crossing Programs” include the Australia Studies Centre, China Studies Program, Latin American Studies Program, Middle East Studies Program, Scholars Semester in Oxford, and the Uganda Studies Program.
The Oxford Summer Programme:
The Oxford Summer Programme is a 5 week program provided by the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities. Seminars and tutorials are available under the direction of expert Oxford academics in the areas of History, Religious Studies, Philosophy, English Literature, the History of Art, and History of Science.
The Au Sable Institute:
The mission of Au Sable Institute is the integration of knowledge of the Creation with biblical principles for the purpose of bringing the Christian community and the general public to a better understanding of the Creator and the stewardship of God’s Creation. All of its programs and activities are structured to allow, and are conducted for, promotion of Christian environmental stewardship. This includes persistent dedication to exemplary Christian stewardship in its planning, operations, programs, and outreach.
Approved Off-Campus Studies Programs through Contractual Agreements
For contractual programs, all coursework will be entered on Covenant’s transcript with transfer credit being awarded only for courses completed with a letter grade of “C-” or better. Billing is coordinated through Covenant. Current approved contractual programs include those listed below:
Semester in Spain:
Semester in Spain is a study abroad program of Trinity Christian College. This Spanish immersion program, located in Seville, Spain, offers Spanish courses on four levels, which serve the needs of most students of Spanish, whether they wish to fulfill a specific course requirement, earn credits toward a degree in Spanish, or simply learn the language. The program combines challenging academic study with opportunities for students to practice what they learn.
Semester in Aix en Provence, France with CEA:
This semester abroad program is designed for students who are interested in studying French language and culture while experiencing everything Aix-en-Provence has to offer. Students take courses offered through the Institut d’Etudes Françaises Pour Etudiants Etrangers (IEFEE), a center of the University Paul Cézanne Aix-Marseille III dedicated to teaching French. The IEFEE is regarded as one of the best French-language teaching centers in the country. All classes are taught in French and are available to students of various language levels from high beginner to superior. A homestay is included with this program.
Semester in Paris, France with CEA:
This program, offered jointly by the CEA GlobalCampus in Paris and the University of Paris IV - Cours de Civilisation Française de la Sorbonne, is designed for students of all language levels who are interested in acquiring and improving their language skills while gaining a thorough education in French culture. This distinctive program offers study abroad students the opportunity to compliment the intensive language learning with elective study in the liberal arts and social sciences in various subjects, taught in English, including Art, Business, Cultural Studies, History, Literature, and Political Science.
Semester in Aix-en-Provence, France with IAU:
French Honors Program and The Marchutz School of Fine Arts
Through IAU College, students can enroll in the Marchutz Fine Arts program or the French Honors program in Fall or Spring. The Marchutz School of Fine Arts aims to help students, who wish to study art in France, sharpen their visual perceptions of the world around them, decipher their emotional responses to these perceptions, and through an holistic (studio, historical, and critical) discipline, relate their discoveries to an intensive investigation of the nature and aim of art. The French Honors Program is designed for French Majors or other students with demonstrated advanced level French, interested in a comprehensive language and cultural immersion program. Both programs include a homestay with a French family.
Spring Semester in Thailand:
This program is an intensive 12 week semester offering the unique opportunity to experience Thai life and understand Thai culture and society from an indigenous perspective. Students will be exposed to Thai society from a multidisciplinary perspective including history, sociology, anthropology, languages, politics, economics, education, family, and religion. Students will also be provided with an internship experience that will enable them to draw from their Christian value commitments as they serve others in religious, governmental, and educational institutions. Students will live with Thai families, take field trips, and spend time in a Karen tribal village in the foothills of the Himalayas. This program does not satisfy Covenant’s core foreign language requirement.
Semester in Heidelberg, Germany:
This program, for juniors, is connected to Universität Heidelberg - Germany’s oldest university. Students will develop a more independent and self-reliant attitude towards learning. Students will gain a new perspective on their major field of study and will broaden understanding of European history and cultures. Since all courses are taught in German, language proficiency will increase rapidly. These new language skills will then allow more ease of assimilation into German life and culture. Students live in dorms or shared apartments with German students. This program is of special interest to German Studies majors.
Semester in Brussels, Belgium with Vesalius College:
As the center of the European Community, Brussels is the ideal place for students of varying interests and major areas of study to enrich their undergraduate experience. Located in the heart of Brussels, Vesalius College provides an ideal venue for students to get the most out of a European Study Abroad opportunity. Over 300 international students from over 45 nationalities attend Vesalius College every semester, providing a truly cosmopolitan and culturally enriching environment. With class instruction in English, associated with a Dutch-language university and located in a French/Dutch bilingual city, Vesalius College offers something for everyone. A homestay is included with this program.
Semester in Jerusalem, Israel:
This program through the Jerusalem University College offers courses in the history, geography, culture, religions, and languages of ancient biblical times and the modern Middle East, providing rich insights into the past and a meaningful cross-cultural experience. Semester students travel the land from Dan to Beersheba, and take field trips throughout Egypt and Jordan depending on the program of study in which they are enrolled. Faculty members from a variety of cultures and traditions help students learn to use the historical, geographical, archaeological, cultural and linguistic data in the interpretation of Scripture. They further the students’ understanding of the interplay of ideologies and customs in the political, social, and historical relationships of the Middle East. NOTE: Students who participate in this program will not be eligible for federal Title IV funds, but JUC will provide aid in the amount of any federal funding.
Go ED Study Abroad Programs:
Go ED. is a study abroad program that partners with international relief and development organizations across the globe, embedding students in select regions and countries to learn, study and experience life from an indigenous perspective. The program operates in some of the most poverty-stricken regions of the world, in the belief that light, beauty and hope continue to thrive in these hard places, and that they offer profound lessons to those who are willing to learn. There are currently Go-ED programs in Rwanda and Thailand, with practicums in surrounding countries. Students spend 16 weeks in their chosen location, attending four 3-credit classes during the semester and participating in a four-week field practicum project.
Semester in Tokyo, Japan: (fall only)
The East Asia Institute at Tokyo Christian University is a one-semester program that lets you meet the people in their home setting, experience for yourself their life, culture, and history, and gain a deep academic knowledge of this region. Students may study the Japanese language at any level, from beginner on up to the most sophisticated. The one semester option provides a package of courses carefully tailored to give a balanced knowledge of Japan and East Asia, a set of guided experiences to understand the history, art, and modern economic power of the Japanese people, a homestay with a Japanese family, and the friendship of Japanese students and other international students. Students will return home with a richer and deeper awareness of themselves as a world Christian. (100% of Covenant financial aid is applied for this study abroad program).
Semester in New York City with The King’s College:
Through a partnership with The King’s College in lower Manhattan, junior or senior students can pursue intensive semesters in Journalism or Advanced Business. New York City offers students access to the business and journalism worlds, pairing classroom learning with related experiences in journalism internships, business connections in the finance district, and opportunities to network with professionals in both fields. Housing is in apartment buildings with other NYC Semester students.
Approved May Term and Summer Off-Campus Study Programs
May Term Off-Campus Programs Directed by Covenant:
Various May Term off-campus study programs are made available depending on professor availability and student interest. Recent offerings have included programs in Czech Republic, Hungary (Budapest), Indonesia, Israel, Italy (Florence), and New York City.
- Program and registration info for May Term 2016 will be available late Fall 2015.
- Students participating in approved May Term off-campus study programs will enroll as students at Covenant College during the term in which the off-campus experience occurs and will be responsible to cover the normal rate of tuition for May Term in addition to all program expenses (including airfare, lodging, food, transportation, etc). Expenses vary by program.
Students may study off-campus during the summer months by participating in approved contractual programs. All coursework will be entered on Covenant’s transcript with transfer credit being awarded only for courses completed with a letter grade of “C-” or better. Billing is coordinated through Covenant. Current approved contractual programs include those listed below:
Summer Term in Brussels:
Situated in Brussels, “The Capital of Europe,” Vesalius College offers students a unique summer experience. Lasting just six weeks, the Summer Session gives students a focused academic program and the opportunity to experience and explore the best of European culture and travel.
Summer Term in France with CEA:
Programs are offered during June and July in both Aix en Provence and Paris. The Intensive Language program in Aix is designed for students at the high beginner level and above who wish to acquire and improve their French language skills in a short, intensive period. The French Culture & Society program in Paris focuses on providing an intensive and profound exploration of subjects, taught in English, ranging from the foundations of French History to current issues in International Politics and business issues. Instructors concentrate on adapting their courses to the city of Paris, using its streets, museums, markets, and people as an endless source of course material.
Summer Term in Germany:
Spend six weeks (late May through early July) in Heidelberg, Germany, taking Intermediate and Advanced German along with other courses at Universität Heidelberg-Germany’s oldest university, while living with a German family. All courses are taught in German, and credit is granted through Heidelberg University, Tiffin, OH. A trip to Berlin is included, along with other cultural excursions.
Impact Programs
Break on Impact: Many students decide to learn about the church in other cultures and contexts through one of the Break on Impact mission trips. The purpose of this program is to immerse them in a situation in which the focus is on serving others and sharing the love of Christ. Sites have included: Yakama Indian Reservation, the United Kingdom, and Atlanta.
Chalmers Center Internships: Community development majors may apply for domestic and international internships in pilot projects run jointly by the Chalmers Center and partnering agencies and churches worldwide that bring economic development and spiritual transformation to the poor.
Individually Contracted Intercultural Experiences
Students may also individually design and negotiate the specific details of a particular Intercultural Experience to complete the requirements of the Intercultural Experience COR 337 learning contract available from the Intercultural Competencies Committee. Variable credit (1-3 hours) may be awarded for one intercultural experience.
Practicums and Internships
Students may design, contract, and participate in a broad range of hands-on, off-campus, practical learning activities in settings related to their occupational or academic goals outside the normal classroom setting. The objectives for a practicum are negotiated and approved prior to undertaking the experience and should involve activity that is meaningful and real and in which the student has the assistance of other persons (faculty, professional personnel, etc.) in maximizing the learning experience. Practicums may be taken by any student regardless of academic major. See your academic advisor or the Director of Experiential Studies for more information. Some of these practicums and internships can be used for Intercultural Experiences COR 337 with the pre-approval of a faculty member of the Intercultural Competencies Committee.
Army ROTC Program
Covenant students may participate in the Army ROTC program at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC), enrolling for college credit and transferring those credits back to Covenant. The students will need to provide transportation to the UTC campus for course work.
The ROTC Military Science and Leadership Program is a deliberate, continuous, sequential, and progressive process, based on Army values, that develops Soldiers into competent and confident leaders. As the Army’s largest pre-commissioning source, ROTC lays the leadership foundation for thousands of cadets across hundreds of university campuses. ROTC is a leadership development program consisting of three interconnected components: (1) on-campus component, (2) off-campus component, and (3) Leadership Development Program (LDP). By design, the three components dovetail for seamless, progressive, and sequential leader development. The Military Science Department offers courses in general military subjects which may be applicable to any student regardless of his or her career intentions. The overall objectives are:
- to provide general orientation courses open to all students in the basic course;
- to provide selected students for the advanced course an opportunity to seek a commission in the U.S. Army, the Army Reserve, the National Guard, Nurse Corps or Chaplain Corps;
- in conjunction with other college disciplines, to develop individual character and attributes essential to an officer.
The cost of the ROTC courses at UTC will be included in the full-time Covenant tuition if students are enrolled in 12-18 hours for the semester (Covenant and ROTC courses combined). If combined hours exceed 18 hours, an additional tuition charge will be assessed at the 19+ hourly tuition rate for every credit above 18, just as if the student was enrolled in more than 18 hours of courses exclusively at Covenant. To register for classes, students must:
- Complete a UTC admissions application and turn in to Covenant’s Office of Records. Be sure to indicate on the application that you will be a “non degree student.” (
- Complete a request for an official Covenant transcript that will accompany the application to UTC (
- Once accepted to UTC, you will receive an acceptance letter, and students must contact Tonya Botts in the Department of Continuing Education to register for classes. Contact Tanya Botts at 423.425.5305 or
Students will need to have a transcript sent to Covenant from UTC at the end of each semester to have the credits and the grades applied to the Covenant College record. Uniforms are not issued to basic course students; textbooks for ROTC are provided. Issue items must be returned at the end of the school year or upon dis-enrollment from the ROTC program. Advanced course ROTC students sign a contract with the U.S. Government which requires them to complete the advanced course and accept a commission upon graduation. Students receive $100 each month while enrolled in the advanced course and approximately $500 for attending summer camp plus travel pay to and from summer camp.
The ROTC program is composed of two levels as listed below:
- Basic courses (Military Science I and II) are composed of the first four semesters of military science courses. No active duty commitment is required of students taking the basic course.
- Advanced courses (Military Science III and IV) are composed of the last four semesters of military science courses and a six-week summer camp at an army installation at the end of the junior year. The student successfully completing the advanced courses with a grade of “C” or better will, upon graduation, be commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army.
Contact the Office of Records with any additional questions. Course descriptions of all courses are available on the UTC website (