Feb 15, 2025  
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog 
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Covenant College seeks to attract students who give evidence of those qualities of mind and purpose which are essential in a Christian liberal arts education and whose personal qualifications give assurance that they will be responsible and contributing members of the College community. Applicants for on-campus programs are required to submit a written, credible profession of faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Students unable to express faith in Christ, who are children of the covenant, will be considered for admission after submitting a letter explaining their desire to attend a Christ-centered college.

Covenant College is authorized under federal law to enroll nonimmigrant students. Covenant is also approved for the training of ex-service personnel under public laws, and the College meets the criteria established by the United States Office of Education for listing in its higher education directory. The teacher education programs of Covenant College are approved by the State of Georgia Department of Education.

Application for Admission

Covenant College offers students an academically rigorous liberal arts education, equipping them to explore and express the preeminence of Jesus Christ in all things. Consistent with this mission, the average freshman has the following academic record from high school:

  • 3.61 un-weighted GPA
  • 1173 (Critical Reading + Math) SAT or 26 composite ACT

While this is the average academic profile that characterizes our student body, potential applicants should keep in mind that we consider every application on an individual basis. Transfer applicants are considered in light of this academic profile, as well as academic performance in any college-level coursework. Anyone interested in a Covenant College education should apply.

To begin the application process, the candidate should apply online (www.covenant.edu/apply) and submit the following:

  • Completed and signed Application for Admission along with $35 nonrefundable application fee
  • Christian testimony
  • Official high school transcript
  • Official college transcript from each institution attended if previous college work has been completed
  • SAT or ACT scores (Covenant’s code numbers are 6124 for the SAT and 3951 for the ACT)
  • Academic Reference Form
  • Church Reference Form
  • Privacy Release Form
  • Admission Interview (optional)

Covenant looks at each file for overall consistency (e.g. college prep classes and grades received in high school are consistent with writing skills on essays/testimony and SAT/ACT standardized test scores). As application materials are received, the Admission Committee may decide that the following additional information will be required before the final evaluation:

  • Graded academic paper from within the last year
  • Admission Interview

Covenant accepts applications for admission on a rolling basis. Covenant College reserves the right to take action on an application at any point during the application process once the online application has been received. For priority consideration, please submit applications before March 1. Once the entering class is full, accepted applicants will be placed on a waiting list. All inquiries or application materials should be sent to: Covenant College Admissions, 14049 Scenic Highway, Lookout Mountain, GA 30750, 706.820.0893 (fax) or admissions@covenant.edu (email).

Admission from a Secondary School

A candidate for admission should be a graduate of an approved secondary school or homeschool by the time he or she enters Covenant. The candidate should have at least sixteen units, each representing one year of satisfactory work in a subject. It is recommended that the units be distributed s follows:

  English 4
  Mathematics (algebra, trigonometry, geometry) 3
  One foreign language * 2
  History and Social Studies 2
  Natural Science 2
  Electives 3 or 4

* Although not required, two or three (2-3) units of one foreign language are recommended.

Homeschooled candidates must present a transcript of work completed including the following for each course: high school year of study, course title, length of course (i.e., semester or year), and grade. Admission will be considered on a case-by-case basis, with special consideration given to SAT/ACT scores and the distribution of courses. There are guidelines for homeschooled students available on our website at www.covenant.edu/homeschool.

Since the College’s primary objective is to obtain evidence that a student is prepared to satisfactorily complete college work, the Admissions Committee is willing to consider the applications of students whose preparations may vary from the usual pattern. For instance, students may be admitted if they have equivalent education representing a normal four-year course of study, provided they present above-average marks and SAT/ACT scores. Candidates who attain a satisfactory score on the General Education Development (GED) Test may also be admitted.

Admission of Transfer Students

A transfer student has previously attended any college or another postsecondary institution since high school graduation, other than a summer term immediately after graduation and just prior to enrolling at Covenant. Transfer applicants are considered in light of the average academic profile of incoming freshman, as well as academic performance in any college-level coursework. An official transcript must be submitted for each institution attended by the student. All coursework will be entered on Covenant’s transcript with transfer credit being awarded only for college-level courses completed with a letter grade of “C-” or better from regionally accredited or other approved programs. The transfer of credit whether into or out of Covenant College, is at the discretion of the receiving institution and an institution’s accreditation does not guarantee transferability. Transfer coursework will be evaluated in terms of level, content, quality, comparability, and degree program relevance by the appropriate academic department at Covenant. Normally, a maximum of 70 semester hours may be transferred from a regionally accredited two-year program or other approved programs.

Courses with a grade of Pass, Credit, or any code other than a standard letter grade will not be accepted unless the sending institution’s policy to issue that grade would require the equivalent of a “C-” or better. Courses may not be accepted for transfer with a similar title or content if the content will be duplicated in a Covenant course. A transfer candidate may be excused from certain required courses for which he or she has had equivalent general subject matter. This may require the consent of a professor in the parallel academic area at Covenant. The Dean of Records is the initial contact regarding transfer courses. The Dean may request a college catalog, college URL, course syllabus, or transfer articulation agreement with other regionally accredited bachelor degree programs to determine if a course is transferable and/or equivalent to a Covenant course or requirement.

To become eligible for graduation from Covenant, a transfer student must complete a minimum of 32 semester hours at Covenant. A student’s institutional GPA is computed only on courses completed at Covenant. To be eligible for academic honors upon graduation, a student must complete a minimum of 60 semester hours at Covenant College.

Admission of International Students

Covenant defines international students as anyone who is not a citizen of the United States of America. International students should complete the Traditional Undergraduate Student application. We encourage international students to complete the SAT or ACT when possible. Students whose first language is not English may submit the TOEFL or IELTS in place of the SAT or ACT. Please have an official score report sent to Covenant (college number 6124). We require a minimum total score of 540 (paper-based), 207 (computer-based) or 76 (Internet-based) for the TOEFL and a minimum or 7 for the IELTS. 

Once an applicant has been admitted to Covenant, the International Student Certification of Finances and a copy of the student’s passport biographical page must be submitted before an I-20 can be issued to the student, or the student would be considered for any institutional financial aid.  The certification form must be supported with a copy of a bank statement or letter from a bank confirming the availability of financial resources to pay for educational expenses.  If a third party individual or organization will also be providing resources for the student, a similar confirmation of resources from an individual or a letter from an organization must be included.


When a matriculated student withdraws from the College for one semester and desires to return, the student should contact the Office of Records. These students must submit an Application for Re-entering students and provide a transcript for any college coursework taken in their absence from Covenant. Upon acceptance, the $300 room and schedule deposit is required.

When a matriculated student withdraws from the College for two or more semesters and desires to return, the student should contact the Office of Admissions. These students must submit an Application for Re-entering Students Form, a Re-entering Student Reference Form, Privacy Release Form and a brief testimony about their walk with Christ since leaving Covenant. If the student has attended another college since leaving Covenant, a transcript of all courses taken must be submitted. Upon acceptance, the $300 room and schedule deposit is required.

Admission Status

Once all necessary information has been received, the candidate will be evaluated for acceptance. Covenant College does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, age, color, national origin, or handicap.

The evaluation of a completed application will result in one of five decisions: full acceptance, acceptance on limited load, acceptance on academic probation, acceptance as a special student, or denial. The Admissions Committee may apply other conditions of enrollment as deemed necessary. Supplemental information may also be requested when necessary before action is taken.

Full Acceptance: The candidate is accepted as a degree-seeking student and may enroll for a maximum of 17 hours for the first semester unless approved otherwise by their advisor.

Limited Load: The candidate is accepted as a degree-seeking student but is restricted to a maximum of 15 hours their first semester in the fall (or 14 hours if their first semester is in the spring). The candidate will also be required to enroll in the one-hour course GE 131  College Life.

Academic Probation: The candidate is accepted as a degree-seeking student but is restricted to a maximum of 15 hours their first semester in the fall (or 14 hours if their first semester is in the spring), along with other restrictions outlined in the Academic Probation  section. The candidate will also be required to enroll in the one-hour course GE 131  College Life.

Special Student: The applicant has not been admitted to the degree program of the College but may be permitted to enroll in a maximum of 15 hours per semester based on available seats. Other restrictions are outlined in the Special Student section under Admissions. Please contact the Office of Records for an application.

Denial: The candidate has been denied admission to the College. Further study at another institution is recommended to demonstrate the student’s preparation for the academic rigor of college-level work.

The status under which a candidate is accepted will apply only to their first semester at Covenant. A student’s institutional GPA will determine the enrollment status for subsequent semesters. The institutional GPA is computed only for courses taken at Covenant College and programs affiliated with the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities.

Confirmation of Acceptance

To confirm acceptance to the College, the candidate must send a $300 Room and Schedule Deposit that will reserve a space on campus and be applied toward first semester expenses. This deposit is refundable up through May 1. The deposit date will also be used in determining priority for class registration and housing assignment for the fall and spring semesters.

Disability Accommodation

Covenant College offers students reasonable accommodations for disabilities in accordance with the guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act. A student must provide current documentation of the disability from a licensed professional and complete the Disability Accommodation Application. Once an accommodation has been approved, the student must contact the Center for Student Success at the beginning of each semester for which accommodation is requested. Approved accommodations will be made within a reasonable time period after receiving a written request. Students who are receiving disability accommodations are encouraged to establish a relationship with the Director of Academic Support to receive additional training and assistance in working with disabilities as a college student.

Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate and CLEP Examinations

A maximum of 30 hours of advanced standing credit may be earned by Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and/or College Level Examination Program (CLEP) examinations. Each academic department will determine how examination credit can be applied toward a program of study. See the next few tables below or the Covenant Website to find the minimum passing score and course equivalence for a specific examination. Contact the Office of Records regarding new exams that are not on the current lists. Academic departments that have experience with certain examinations may submit a proposal to the Academic Standards Committee for a deviation from the posted minimum passing score. Credit by examination will not be given for an examination in which candidates have already attempted or earned equivalent or higher level college credit.

Candidates enrolled in the Educational Testing Service’s College-Level AP Program courses in secondary schools will ordinarily receive credit for courses in which they earn a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Examinations.

Candidates enrolled in the IB Program courses in secondary schools will ordinarily receive credit for courses in which they earn a score of 5, 6, or 7 on the Higher Level Examinations only.

Credit may be earned in the CLEP Program sponsored by the College Entrance Examination Board. Credit will be given for subject examinations only on the basis of minimum passing scores, and the demonstration of writing proficiency when an essay is required.

 Advanced Placement Examinations

Score range: 1-5. Credit awarded for subject examinations only. See Advanced Placement International Baccalaureate and CLEP Examinations for additional policies.

 Examination Min. Pass Score Award Hours  Course Equivalent
 Art History  4  3 Art elective. Does not apply toward total # of art major hours





Core Natural Science Lab Requirement

BIO 111 -BIO 112  General Biology I, II (Biology major - consult Dr. Morris:  morris@covenant.edu)

 Calculus AB  4  4 MAT 145  Calculus I
 Calculus BC  4  8 MAT 145 -MAT 146  Calculus I, II
 Chemistry  4  8 Core Natural Science Lab; Chem major-see Chemistry Department  
 Chinese Language and Culture  3  6 Core Language Distribution Requirement
 Computer Science A  4  4 Elective - see Computer Science Department  if a COS major
 Macroeconomics  4  3 ECO 201 Principles of Macroeconomics  
 Microeconomics  4  3 Core Social Science Distribution Requirement
 English Language & Composition  4  3 ENG 111 English Composition  
 English Composition & Literature  4  3 English elective. Does not apply toward total # of English major hours
 Environmental Science  4  4 NSC 110 Concepts of Physical Geography  
 European History  4  3 HIS 214 Age of Europe 1550-1871 . Does not apply toward total # of history major or minor hours
 French Language  3  6 FRE 201 -FRE 202  Intermediate French I,II
 French Literature  4  9 Same as French Language plus FRE 341  
 German Language  3  6 GER 201 -GER 202  Intermediate German I, II
 Government & Politics/Comparat.  4  3 Core Social Science Distribution Requirement. Does not apply toward total # of history major or political studies minor/concentration hours. Not exempt from   
 Government & Politics/US  4  3 Core Social Science Distribution Requirement. Does not apply toward total # of history major or political studies minor/concentration hours.
 Human Geography  4  3 Core Social Science Distribution Requirement
 Italian Language and Culture  3  6 Core Language Distribution Requirement
Japanese Language and Culture  3  6 Core Language Distribution Requirement
 Latin Literature  3  6 Core Language-Credit for only one Latin exam
 Latin: Virgil  3  6 Core Language-Credit for only one Latin exam
Music Theory  3  3 MUS 161 Introduction to Musical Structure  , Core Fine Arts for non-music majors
 Music Theory: Aural Subcategory  4  2 MUS 164 Aural Comprehension I  
 Music Theory: Non-Aural Subcategory  4  3 MUS 162 Elementary Concepts of Musical Structure  
 Physics B  4  8 PHY 131  -PHY 132  General College Physics I, II
 Physics C  4  4 See Physics Department  
 Psychology  4  3 Core Social Science Distribution Requirement. PSY 100 General Psychology  –a PSY major, minor or IDS concentration must still take PSY 101 Advanced General Psychology  for 2 hrs.
 Spanish Language  3  6 SPA 201 -SPA 202  Intermediate Spanish I, II
Spanish Literature  4  9 Same as Spanish Language plus SPA 341  
Statistics  4  4 STA 252 Elementary Statistics: Concepts and Methods  
Studio Art: Drawing, Two-D or Three-D Design  4  3 See Art Department . Does not apply toward total # of art major hours
 U.S. History  4  6 HIS 111 -HIS 112  US History I, II as Core Humanities Requirement. Does not apply toward total # of history major or minor hours.
 World History  4  3 Core Humanities Distribution Requirement

International Baccalaureate Tests

Score range: 1-7. Credit awarded for Higher Level Examinations only. See Advanced Placement International Baccalaureate and CLEP Examinations for additional policies.

 Subject/Test Score Min. Pass Score Award Hours  Course Equivalent
Language A:      
 French A1  5  6 FRE 201 -FRE 202  Intermediate French I, II
 German A1  5  6 GER 201  -GER 202  Intermediate German I, II
 English A1  5  6 ENG 111  English Composition
 Spanish A1  5  6 SPA 201  -SPA 202  Intermediate Spanish I, II
 Language B:      
 English B  5  6 ENG 111  English Composition
 French B  5  6 FRE 201 -FRE 202  Intermediate French I, II 
 German B  5  6 GER 201  -GER 202  Intermediate German I, II
 Spanish B  5  6 SPA 201  -SPA 202  Intermediate Spanish I, II
 Individuals & Societies:      
 Business and Management  5  0 No Equivalent Course
 Geography  5  0 No Equivalent Course
 Economics  5  6 ECO 201 - Principles of Macroeconomics.  See Dept.
 History  5  9 HIS 3XX Upper division history elective (3hrs), General Elective (6 hrs.)
 Islamic History  5  0 No Equivalent Course
 Philosophy  5  3 PHI 101 Introduction to Philosophy  
 Psychology  5  3 Core Social Science Distribution Requirement. PSY 100 General Psychology  –a PSY major, minor or IDS concentration must still take PSY 101 Advanced General Psychology  for 2 hrs.
 Social and Cultural Anthropology  5  3 SOC 229 Cultural Anthropology  
 Experimental Sciences:      
 Biology  5  8 BIO 111 -BIO 112  General Biology I, II
 Chemistry  5  8 Core Natural Science Lab; Chem major-see Chemistry Department  
 Physics  5  8 PHY 131 -PHY 132  General College Physics I, II
 Design Technology  5  0 No Equivalent Course
 Environmental Systems  5  4 Core Natural Science Lab Distribution Requirement
 Mathematics & Computer Science:      
 Mathematics  5  8 MAT 145 -MAT 146  Calculus I, II
 Computing Science  5  3 General Elective
 The Arts:      
 Visual Arts  5  3 General Elective (will not fulfill Art minor or fine arts core)
 Music  5  3 Core Humanities Distribution Requirement
 Theatre Arts  5  0 No Equivalent Course

CLEP Computer Based Examinations After July 1, 2007

Score range: 20 - 80. Credit awarded for Subject Examinations only. Covenant Code: 6124 See Advanced Placement International Baccalaureate and CLEP Examinations for additional policies.

 Examination Min. Pass Score Award Hours  Equivalent Course
 Composition & Literature:      
 College or English Composition     No Credit Awarded
 American Literature  50  3 Core Humanities Distribution Requirement
 Analysis and Interpretation of Lit.  50  3 Core Humanities Distribution Requirement
 English Literature  50  3 Core Humanities Distribution Requirement
 Foreign Languages:      
 College French (Levels 1 & 2)     Must take placement exam during Covenant Orientation
 College German (Level 1 & 2)     Must take placement exam during Covenant Orientation
 College Spanish (Level 1 & 2)     Must take placement exam during Covenant Orientation
 Social Sciences and History      
 American Government  50  3 POL 202 American Government  . Does not apply toward total # of history major or political studies minor/concentration hours.
 History of the United States I  50  3 HIS 111 History of the United States I   Does not apply toward total # of history major hours
 History of the United States II  50  3 HIS 112 History of the United States II   Does not apply toward total # of history major hours
 Western Civilization I  50  3 HIS 213 The Formation of Europe to 1550 . Does not apply toward total # of history major hours
 Western Civilization II  50  3 HIS 214 Age of Europe 1550-1871 . Does not apply toward total # of history major hours
 Principles of Macroeconomics  50  3 ECO 201 Principles of Macroeconomics  
 Principles of Microeconomics  50  3 Core Social Science Distribution Requirement
 Human Growth & Development  50  3 General Elective
 Intro to Educational Psychology  50  3 General Elective
 Introductory Psychology  50  3 Core Social Science Distribution Requirement. PSY 100 General Psychology  –a PSY major, minor or IDS concentration must still take PSY 101 Advanced General Psychology  for 2 hrs.
 Introductory Sociology  50  3 Core Social Science Distribution Requirement
 Science & Mathematics:      
 College Algebra  50  3 MAT 141 College Algebra  
 Precalculus  50  3 MAT 142 Precalculus Mathematics  
 Calculus  50  6 MAT 145 -  Calculus I,II
 Biology  50  6 General Elective
 Chemistry  50  6 General Elective
 Financial Accounting  50  3 General Elective
 Information Sys. & Comp. App.  50  3 General Elective
 Introductory Business Law  50  3 General Elective
 Principles of Management  50  3 General Elective
 Principles of Marketing  50  3 General Elective
General examinations are not awarded credit: Humanities, Natural Science, Social Sciences and History

Covenant Placement Testing Program

All entering freshmen who wish to bypass the foreign language or mathematics core requirement must take the respective placement test to demonstrate proficiency. Demonstrating proficiency will exempt a student from that requirement, however, it does not award academic credit for that subject. Students who have taken two or more years of French, German, Latin, or Spanish in high school may take a foreign language placement test in order to be placed in the correct level of language study. Mathematics placement levels are initially assigned based on SAT or ACT math scores, but students may improve their placement level by completing the placement exam. Exams will only be administered during new student orientation.

Dual Enrollment of High School Students

Candidates who have not yet earned a high school diploma may be permitted to enroll in classes where there are available seats if the following requirements are met: complete an Application for Dual Enrollment; submit a written, credible profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and agree to abide by the Covenant College Standards of Conduct.

The candidate seeking enrollment under this program must be actively pursuing a high school diploma and submit a current high school transcript. The candidate must also be enrolled in a recognized public or private high school, or be pursuing an acceptable homeschool secondary program with a high school class standing of junior or senior level.

The candidate must show evidence of being an able student through standardized test scores, with at least one such test having been taken within twelve months of the time of enrolling in a Covenant College course. Dual enrollment would require a combined SAT score of 1100 (sum of the critical reading and math section scores), or a composite ACT score of 24. For the Test of Achievement and Proficiency (TAP) or other nationally recognized standardized tests, a national stanine of 7 or higher is required in the general area of the course to be taken at Covenant. When the TAP or other standardized high school tests other than the SAT or ACT are used to meet this requirement, there must be scores from two separate test dates, with one test being at a level 16 or higher. Other standardized tests will be considered on a case-by-case basis. All prerequisites for specific courses to be taken at Covenant must be met.

Dual enrollment candidates will be required to write an essay to explain their motivation for dual enrollment at Covenant. This essay should also outline their prior course work in the areas of study desired and demonstrate writing skills to meet the demands of college level course work. The instructor (or instructors, in the case of a student enrolling in more than one course) will be involved in the evaluation of the application, and the consent of each instructor is required.

Dual enrollment students who wish to become degree-seeking candidates must complete the standard admissions application before being considered for acceptance. Normally dual enrollment students pay the appropriate tuition rate and technology fee, but are not eligible for federal, state or institutional financial assistance. Students may enroll in a maximum of 14 hours per semester, and their involvement in extracurricular activities may be restricted. Normally, dual enrollment students will not be eligible for on-campus housing. For additional information, contact the Office of Records.

Special Students and Guests

On a limited basis, the College will admit students for enrollment who have already earned a high school diploma or higher degrees. These special students will not be admitted to the degree program of the College and will be permitted to enroll in classes based on available seats in the class, would be charged the appropriate tuition rate and technology fee. Special students who wish to become degree-seeking candidates must complete the standard admissions application before being considered for acceptance. Normally, special students pay the regular tuition rate but are not eligible for federal, state or institutional financial assistance. Special students may enroll for a maximum of 15 hours per semester, and their involvement in extracurricular activities may be restricted. Normally, special students will not be eligible for on-campus housing.

Occasionally, individuals express an interest in visiting a class on a regular basis. Covenant does not have an official “audit” status, but if additional seats are available in a classroom and the structure of the class is appropriate for guests, then instructors have the discretion to permit guests to visit their class on a regular basis. No college credit or transcript would be available to document attendance for guests. Given the full-time teaching load of instructors, it is more common that instructors do not accept or grade assignments, and guests’ participation may be limited. Restricting the participation of guests is not meant to be disrespectful, but we must be good stewards of our time and our commitment to the degree program students. If the level of involvement available is not fulfilling the educational goals of the guest, then enrolling as a special student for academic credit may be considered.

For additional information, contact the Office of Records.

Transient Students

Students who are enrolled in another college or university and who do not wish to transfer to Covenant College and seek a degree may enroll as a transient student (another type of special student). Enrollment under this condition is usually for one semester and students are usually enrolled in courses that will transfer to another institution and apply toward degree requirements. A transient student enrolled under this program must still offer a credible profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and agree to abide by the Covenant College Standards of Conduct. An Application for a Special Student and a transcript or a letter indicating that the student is in good standing (eligible to return to the present institution) must be sent to the Office of Records from either the Registrar or Academic Dean of the student’s present institution. A transient student cannot receive institutional financial assistance from Covenant and cannot be on any type of academic or disciplinary restriction, warning or action such as probation, suspension or dismissal. A transient student applying for continued enrollment must apply as a degree-seeking candidate.

Covenant Fellows Program

The Covenant Fellows Program was established to encourage a spirit of continued education. This program allows graduates with a bachelor degree from Covenant College to enroll in traditional and non-traditional undergraduate classroom courses that are already being offered (no independent study), if seats are available in the class following registration. Fellows are limited to two courses per semester and a maximum of 12 hours per year under the Covenant Fellows Program. Fellows will be charged the appropriate tuition rate with an offsetting Covenant Fellows Grant applied to result in the $33 per credit hour charge. These hours may apply toward an additional major or minor, and grades earned in these classes will impact the student’s overall grade point average, but will not alter any academic honors designation determined at graduation.

Registration for more than two courses per semester and a maximum of 12 hours per year, and registration for May term courses, master degree programs, summer or independent study courses will be charged at the respective published student tuition rate. Fellows must pay all other College and course-related fees which would include a technology fee, parking fee ($50-$100 for on-campus classes), purchase texts and other required course materials, complete daily assignments, and take examinations. Covenant Fellows are not eligible for other institutional financial assistance and no refund of tuition and fees is issued from a withdrawal.

Covenant Fellows are also encouraged to participate in the many spiritual, intellectual, social, and cultural programs which characterize Covenant College.